HEALing Communities Study
State Snapshot
The Ohio State University is partnering with the University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio University, the University of Toledo, Wright State University, RecoveryOhio, and Ohio communities to assemble a research team that embodies a collaborative spirit, reflects strong institutional identity, uplifts family and community values, and honors diverse demographic and ideological identities.
The Ohio HEALing Communities Study aims to reduce opioid-related deaths through scientific innovation, community engagement, and leadership. We’re partnering with cabinet-level state officials and community leaders to identify what components of evidence-based interventions lead to reducing opioid overdose deaths. The goal of these partnerships is to create Learning Health Communities that use data systems to improve community outcomes.
As the birthplace of programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Ohio has a long history of innovation to combat alcohol, tobacco, and other substance misuse. That innovation continues in this study as communities collaborate with the research team to apply scientific knowledge to make community-driven decisions about preventing and reducing opioid misuse and overdose deaths.
Learn More about HEALing Community Study